Giving Tuesday Was A Success –Thanks To You!

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Thank you so much for your generous donations during our Giving Tuesday fundraiser! It was inspiring to see the community come together to host and share fundraisers with their social media networks. In just one day, 35 people raised $3,000! That money will go directly towards educational programming in agroecology, sustainable living, and the arts as we work together towards a more resilient future. Through education and collaboration in both regenerative agriculture and culture, we’ll be building stronger communities, and reclaiming our power to shape an integrated balance between the social and environmental systems that support us. You are part of a community that is dedicated, diverse, diligent, and determined. Together we can accomplish anything we set out to do. Thank you for being a part of it.

Every donation, no matter how small, helps us during this crucial foundational stage. If you missed the Giving Tuesday boat, it’s not too late to lend a hand. If you’d like to support us in our final push to meet our 2017 fundraising goal, click the button below. Your donations are tax-deductible. 2018 will be a huge year for Terra Cultura as we move onto the farm we’ll call home, and dramatically expand our educational and cultural programming. We can’t wait to welcome you home to Terra Cultura’s land. There’s so much work to do in 2018, and we’re thrilled to get started. Now is the perfect time to lend a hand and help us build. And we, the Terra Cultura team, thank you with all of our hearts.

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