A Heartfelt Thanks, from Terra Cultura

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We’ve come to the end of our first year at Terra Cultura, and let me be the first to say that we couldn’t have gotten through it without you. My name is Thomas Hintze, and I’m the President of the Board of Directors at Terra. On behalf of all of us, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping us plant the seed this year and becoming a part of our family.

Terra Cultura is an agriculture and arts education center whose mission is to cultivate resilient communities empowered through education and collaboration in agroecology, sustainable living, and the arts. This has been our motto from day 1, and at the end of this year, we’re proud to say that with your help we’ve begun to implement our mission, working with communities across California to build a more sustainable and just food system and to connect agriculture with art. We’ve also had the chance to meet many of you at our events in Northern and Southern California, and right now we’re cherishing those times of togetherness and looking forward to many more to come.

It’s the season of giving, and we’re reflecting on the tremendous generosity, love, support we’ve already received over the course of the year. The climate of the world is fragile right now, uncertain. It feels like we’re all looking for our place within the confusion of the present and doing our best to serve others. Your help means that we can continue to grow this beautiful, visionary community, and to us that’s something that makes all the difference.

On behalf of all of us at Terra Cultura, Happy Holidays to you and your family.
-Thomas Hintze, President Terra Cultura

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