Harvest Feasts, And Sharing The Bounty

Fall is a good time for reflection, for reevaluating what’s important and where to focus our energies. As the seasons transition, thoughts bend towards harvests and feasts, for those fortunate to have bounty to share. But we also know that these are difficult times, and that there are many people, places and projects in need of support and aid right now, some quite desperately. It is easy to feel helpless, but so many of you are volunteering, organizing, donating, and living by example through the small daily choices you make, and we commend you, and admire you. As we consider ways to share our bounty with those in need, we thought it would be a good time for an update on our own Plant The Seed campaign. As you know, Terra Cultura, with your help, aims to be a part of the solution to many social, environmental, and economic issues we face, at a grassroots local level. So many of you have been a huge part of getting Terra Cultura off to a strong start, and we’re incredibly grateful. Because of you, we’re almost halfway to our fundraising goal for 2017! Thank you.

Come See Us!— And Spread The Word

We have a ways still to go, and plenty of opportunities to get involved. If you’re anywhere near the Bay Area, definitely come see us at our Plant The Seed Benefit Concert at The Uptown Nightclub in Oakland on October 5th. The lineup will blow your mind and the farm & art inspired drink specials will dazzle your senses. It’s going to be a lot of fun. So get your tickets here! If you can’t make it, you can still help us spread the word—talk to your friends and family in the area, or share the Facebook event.

Why support Terra Cultura, and why Now?

Terra Cultura is a response to the need for in-person gathering places, and the demand for expanded opportunities for education and participation in regenerative agriculture, sustainable living, and the arts. Unfortunately, national funding to support the environment, agriculture, and the arts is dwindling. The need for local communities to protect these essential spheres of life is now more relevant than ever. It takes a unified community to protect our environment, and to reclaim connections to our land and food systems. Terra Cultura seeks to cultivate strong communities, and spur social and environmental change through education and collaboration.

Donors Corner

We asked some very generous philanthropists, Annette and Ty, why they feel Terra Cultura is an organization worthy of their giving, and this is what they had to say:

We are long-time California residents with backgrounds in science and engineering. We love the outdoors and have a strong interest in protecting the environment. We also enjoy and recognize the importance of the arts and support them. We have seen in past how the arts can be an amazing boon to a small community. Beyond that, we like farm-fresh organic food and think it is important to encourage small sustainable farms.

We are pleased to have the opportunity to support an enterprising group of people in a well-planned, focused, and creative endeavor. Our family has a history of encouraging new ventures and we are glad to continue that and help a visionary and energetic group of people realize their dream. It’s a wonderful opportunity to make a real difference in the start-up of something new and exciting. We look forward to being involved with Terra Cultura in the years to come.

Annette & Ty

Thank you so much, Annette and Ty, for your kind and generous support!

Get Involved!

Looking around the world today, it is clear that we live on a delicate fulcrum. We hover between crises of community and the environment on one side, and, on the other, a rare opportunity to spark tangible change. A community is only as healthy as the social and environmental systems and processes that support it. When you support Terra Cultura, you are putting those resilient systems in place by helping us to grow our educational programming in agroecology, sustainable living, and the arts. We welcome your ideas and support as we build Terra Cultura from the ground up. Thank you for being a part of our growing community.